Registered Compounds

As of Aug 2023

by depositary source

Authentic Library

Authentic Library Click here for contents
80 types in 96-well microplate, pre-dispensed in DMSO solution at 10mM-10uL each
Both ends (rows 1 and 12) are left open for controls

 The Authentic Library (Standard Compound Library) contains 80 compounds with known biological activity, including compounds used as antibiotics, antitumor and anti-inflammatory drugs, compounds with protein synthesis inhibitory activity and corticosteroid-like activity. The following is a list of the most popular products in the world.
 NPDepo is primarily used to evaluate newly constructed screening systems. It can also be used to screen Pilot Library.

Pilot Library

Pilot Library Contents are not disclosed when provided
80 species per plate as in the Authentic Library, 5 plates for a total of 400 species

 Of the compound library held by the NPDepo Chemical Bank, approximately 38,500 compounds that can be offered for screening were classified into approximately 400 clusters using an information science approach. Each cluster contains compounds with the same skeleton or common substructure. From each cluster, one compound was selected that was close to the central structure that symbolizes that cluster, and a Pilot Library was constructed by collecting these compounds. Therefore, the compounds in the Pilot Library do not have similar structures to each other, and the library as a whole is rich in structural diversity.
 Compounds that were screened using the Pilot Library and found to have biological activity are provided as hit compounds, derivatives of hit compounds, similar compounds, and compounds in the same cluster, allowing you to search for compounds with stronger activity.
 The 400 compounds will not be disclosed at the time of provision. Only compounds that are hits as a result of screening by the user will be disclosed.

Target Library

 Based on the accumulated data of approximately 24,000 compounds evaluated by iHOPE, a standard evaluation system developed by the Chemical Biology Society, NPDepo has constructed a Target Library (purpose-specific library) containing active substances in the following nine bioactive categories (80 to 160 compounds each).

 By using sub-libraries for each bioactive category, we aim to provide libraries that can provide structure-activity relationship information for more efficient search (improved hit rate) and activity enhancement.
 The Target Library can be provided under the same conditions as the Pilot library upon request, but only after signing a collaboration agreement.

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